Set in the 1970's, the film centers on two little girls, who struggle with their mother’s bipolar disease that constantly disrupts their lives and burdens them to grow up early. This semi-autobiographical film tells a story about the relationship between mothers and daughters and how who takes care of who can become interchangeable.


SHORT | SWITZERLAND | World Premiere, 15mins.

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Florine & Kim Nüesch are a young directing duo from Switzerland based in Los Angeles. Raised by a painter mother and an architect father, they grew up in an ever changing creative environment. They began to make films at a very young age and later on moved to Los Angeles to study directing and writing at Art Center College of Design. Their passion for detailed art direction and wardrobe is present in all their films as well as their interest in human connection or the absence of it. 
In 2016 they started their own Production Company called Nüesch Sisters Productions in Los Angeles. Their short film Moon Girls was selected by various international and national film festivals and premiered on Nick Knight’s fashion website SHOWstudio. Currently they are working on multiple projects including their first feature film.



Emily Swallow, Brooke Fontana, Ashley Silverman, Malcolm Duncan, Marz Miller, Miranda Lorenz, Addie Liang, Stephen Rennicks, Alyssa Carter